"Dreams and Streams in Hypospadias"

Post-graduate course with live operations for Pediatric Surgeons and Urologists


Photo Heidelberg Photo Mannheim

Mannheim - Germany

13.-14. June 2007



Photo Hadidi
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 5th International Hypospadias Congress due in June 13-14th, 2007. During the past ten years, several new concepts & techniques have evolved. It is about time to objectively evaluate the current status & techniques in the field of hypospadias. The Workshop includes live surgery, tough panel discussions and oral & poster presentations. This would be of great interest to Pediatric Surgeons, Urologists and Plastic Surgeons interested in the field of hypospadias.

This Workshop coincides with the launch of the second edition of the book " Hypospadias Surgery; An illustrated guide" published by Springer Verlag. New chapters have been included, some chapters have new authors. All the chapters have been updated with recent literature. However, the approach and concept of the book has been maintained with special stress on the quality of detailed illustrations and operative photographs.

The Workshop precedes the Mannheim International Congress. This gives the Pediatric Surgeons a chance to get an updated knowledge in long esophageal gaps and short bowel syndrome.

Mannheim and Heidelberg have a lot to offer. As you know, Heidelberg University is one of the oldest Universities in Europe. It was established in 1368. Kirschner, Röntgen, Wilms and many other pioneers worked in this famous University.

June is a good time of the year to visit Germany, with unforgettable walks through the old city, the historical Heidelberg castle that reminds you of fairy tales, river cruises on the Rhine river, wine tasting in famous wine fields and enjoying the good German food and hospitality.

Looking forward to seeing you all in June in Mannheim-Heidelberg

Ahmed Hadidi                                                            Karl Waag


Invited Operators, Guest Speakers and Chairmen (to be completed soon)


Mr. A. Azmy (U.K.)

Is a world famous pediatric surgeon and urologist, he is a consultant pediatric surgeon and urologist in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill, Glasgow and honory senior lecturer at Glasgow University, Scotland. He is editor of the international book on Hypospadias Surgery, published by Springer. He is also editor of many other international books e.g. "Textbook of Pediatric Surgical Oncology" and "Pediatric Surgical Emergencies". He has published more than 150 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals.

Photo Mr Bracka

Mr. A. Bracka (U.K.)

Mr. A Bracka is a maximum part-time consultant plastic surgeon to the NHS Dudley Plastic Surgery Unit. Mr. Bracka has special interest in male genito-urethral reconstructive surgery and works exclusively in this field.  The spectrum of his work covers pediatric urology and adult reconstructive urology, dealing with hypospadias, epispadias, penile and bulbar urethral strictures, balanitis xerotica obliterans, penile curvatures, genital lymph edema, penile malignancy, penis enhancement, circumcision and its complications, etc. He has contributed to the medical literature on the subjects of hypospadias repair,and long-terms outcome, management of BXO, techniques for anterior urethroplasty, conservative surgery for penile carcinoma, and a circumcision.He has participated regularly in live surgery workshops, demonstrating both adult and pediatric primary and salvage surgery.


Dr. J.-F. Colombani (Rep. of Domique)

Prof. Dr. A. Hadidi (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Ahmed T. Hadidi (MB BCh, M Sc, FRCS (Eng. & Glasgow), DPS, MD, PhD)   is an international accredited pediatric surgeon in the special field Hypospadiology. Trained in Cairo/Egypt, UK and USA he has been director of Benha Children's Hospital north of Cairo with about 200-300 patients with hypospadias every year. He is also the editor in chief of "Hypospadias Surgery, An illustrated guide" (Springer Verlag, 2004) which now is standard literature. He has developed and modified techniques for glanular, distal and proximal hypospadias. He is Professor of Paediatric Surgery, Heidelberg/Mannheim University, Germany. He has been guest lecturer, guest surgeon and visiting professor In USA, UK, France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, China, Bangladesh, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Brasil, South Africa, Bangladesh, Egypt, Syria, Emirates, Latvia, Kosova and Saudi Arabia.

Prof. Dr. M. K. Hanna (USA)

Dr. Hanna has 25 years experience in dealing with complex urological problems in infants and children. In addition, he has performed 2600+ hypospadias repairs and more than 1000 surgeries for varying degrees of vesicoureteral reflux and megaureter as well as having reconstructed over 85 children born with bladder exstrophy.

Dr. Hanna is extremely interested in the diagnosis and early treatment of children with antenatal hydronephrosis, as well as children with ambiguous genitalia. He also has a wide experience in treating children with undescended testicles and other anomalies of the urinary tract.

Website: http://www.mkhanna.com


Prof. Dr. A. Mustafawi (Dubai)

Prof. Dr. S. Perovic (Serbia Montenegro)

Professor of Urology and Pediatric Surgery, the head of the department of Urology at Belgrade Medical School. He wrote the book "ATLAS of congenital anomalies of the external genitalia". As quoted in his book, "Sava Perovic, is one of the most extraordinary and innovative genital surgeons of our time, herein combines the art and science of his lifetime of practice in an orderly elastically presented atlas of genital anomalies in children". The majority of his surgery is done on children. Many Awarded first prizes for oral and video presentations. He has published a large number of publications in leading peer review journals, Guest Editor of the World Journal of Urology, Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Pediatric Urology and International Brazilian Journal of Urology, Expert Reviewer: Journal of Urology, Urology, British Journal of Urology, European Urology, Journal of Sexology . Member of many urological societies and visiting professor on many universities throughout the world.

Prof. Dr. A. Pinter (Hungary)

MD., PhD., Professor of Paediatric Surgery, Head of the Surgical Unit of the Department of Paediatrics, Pécs University, Hungary. He is an internationally well known paediatric surgeon with special interest in paediatric urology and genitourinary anomalies. He has been visiting professor and guest lecturer in USA (Houston, Ohio, Missouri, Baltimore, New York, Milwaukee, Kentucky, and Philadelphia), Austria, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Poland, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. He is in the Editorial Board of European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Acta Paediatrica Latviensis, Pediatric Surgery International. He was Vice President of the European Union of Paediatric Surgeons' Association (EUPSA) and he is currently the President of the same association. Dr. Pinter has more than 200 publications with half of them in English or German international journals. He is the author and editor of 2 paediatric surgical books and contributed to another 21 books.

Prof. Dr. M. Riccabona (Austria)


Prof. Dr. A. Rokitansky (Austria)

Prof. Dr. K.-L. Waag (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Z. Zachariou (Switzerland)



Scientific Programm:
Wednesday, 13th June: Primary Hypospadias
08:30 Registration    
09:00 Coffee    
09:40 Introduction A Hadidi / K-L Waag
10:00 Lecture I A Hadidi "Men behind Principles and Principles behind Technique - Hypospadias Surgery: An update"
10:30 Live Transmission A Hadidi Glanular Hypospadias
  Free Papers    
11:30 Live Transmission R Riccabona Distal Hypospadias
  Free Papers    
12:30 Live Transmission A Hadidi Distal Hypospadias
  Free Papers    
13:15 Lunch    
14:00 Live Transmission A Hadidi Proximal Hypospadias
  Free Papers    
  Panel Discussions
16:30 Lecture II M Riccabona TIP Procedure: Indications & Technique
17:00 Lecture III A. Bracka Hypospadias Surgery: "How I do it"
17:30 Lecture IV S. Perovic Hypospadias Surgery: "How I do it"
18:00 Panel Discussion
18:30 Evening Event
Thursday, 14th June: Complications Management
08:00 Lecture V M K Hanna Hypospadias Complications
08:30 Live Transmission A Bracka Redo Hypospadias
  Free Papers
  Coffee in Lecture Room
11:00 Live Transmission A Bracka Plastic new Glans Reconstruction in complicated Hypospadias
13:00 Lunch
  Reflux Session
14:00 Vesico-Ureteric Reflux Video
14:30 Panel: Surgical Management of VUR
16:00 Lecture VI A. Hadidi Hypospadias Complications
16:30 Closing Panel: Discussion All
  Free Evening

Please submit abstracts to: ahmed.hadidi@hypospadias-surgery.com

Important dates

Deadline for abstract submission: February 28, 2007
Deadline for early registration: March 30, 2007

President of the Congress

President of the Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Karl-Ludwig Waag

Prof. Ahmed Hadidi



Official Language

13.-14. June 2007



Hotel reservation & Information

Mannheim Clinic, Hörsaal Ost

website: www.mannheim.de

Pediatric Surgery Department


Mannheim - Germany

Tourist Service Mannheim

Tel.: 0049 621 10 10 12


Fax: 0049 621 2 41 41

Congress Secretary:

E-Mail: info@tourist-mannheim.de

Mrs. D. Ihrig

more details coming soon ....

Tel.: +49 (0)621 383 2709


Fax.: +49 (0621 383 3823


email: Kinderchirurgie@kch.ma.uni-heidelberg.de

CME Points: FMH Paediatric Surgery 9
  FMH Paediatrics 12
  FMH Urology 12


Registration Fees (incl. attandance of all scientific sessions (incl. the International Symposium on Long Esophageal Gaps and Short Bowel Syndrome from 15.-16. June 2007), coffee and lunch breaks and welcome reception)




Accomp. Person

up to March 30, 2007

200 Euro

100 Euro

75 Euro

after March 30, 2007

250 Euro

150 Euro

100 Euro


50 Euro

Registration Form: pdf-file for printout and fax

  Registration online    
  Flyer to download (pdf-file)